segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

Speak English - On education in England: lesson 42

1 - Vocabulary
*Business /bêziness/ - negócio
* Career /kêrier/ - carreira
* College /kolédji/ - faculdade
* Comfortable /kanforibol/ - confortável
* Company /kâmpani/ - formação
* Energetic /ênna-djeréka/ - energético/a
* Future /fíu-tchar/ - futuro
* Motivated /môura-veréda/ - motivado/a
* Office /oféssi/ - escritório
* Plan /plênna/ - plano
* Practice /prak-téssi/ - prática
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* Be welcome /bi-uelkêmma/ - Seja bem-vindo/a
* He told me so much about you /ritôu-misôu-mátchi-abauriú/ - Ele me falou muito aseu respeito.
* I mean /ai-mína/ - Quero dizer
* I won't disappoint you /dissepointiú/ - Não o/a desapontarei
* To have a few words (with) you. - Ter uma palavrinha (com) você.
* What's your favorite subject? /feivoríti-sábi-djécti/- - Qual sua matéria favorita?
* She has a lot of homework /shi-res-oloráva-rôumi-uôrka/- Ela tem muita lição de casa
* I have to do a composition /kampezêi-shann/ - Eu tenho que fazer uma redação
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Deal (with) /diu-uéfta/ - lidar (com)
* Depend (on) /dipendônna/ - depender (de)
* Develop /devalópa/ - desenvolver
* Disappoint /dissapóint/ - desapontar
Intend /entênd/ - pretender
* Meet /míti/ - encontrar, reunir-se com
* Need /níida/ - precisar
* Save /sêiva/ - guardar, economizar, salvar
* Tell /têlla/ - dizer
4 - Countable and Uncountable nouns - Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis:
a) Countable nouns - Substantivos contáveis - usamos: one, a, an, some, few, a few
* I am looking for a job. - Estou procurando emprego (Errado: for job)
* I want one cup of coffee - Quero uma xícara de café.
* Have twenty students in the class. - Tem 20 estudantes na sala.
* I have two jobs. - Tenho dois empregos.
* I just want to have a few words with you. - Só quero ter algumas palavrinhas com você.
* Some people are very experienced. - Algumas têm bastante experiência.
b) Uncontable nouns - Substantivos que não se pode contar - usamos antes: the, some, any, little, this, etc.
* Money /mânni/ - dinheiro
* Gold /gôud/ - ouro
* Furniture /fornitché/ - mobília
* Sugar /shugar/ - açúcar
* I need to have some money. - Preciso economizar algum dinheiro.
* You can count with a little help. - Você pode contar com pouco de ajuda.
* Do you want any sugar in your coffee? - Você que um pouco de açúcar no seu café?
5 - Veja abaixo uma lista de substantivos incontáveis mais comuns:
a) Itens similares:
* Money /mânni/ - dinheiro
* Furniture /fornitché/ - mobília
* Baggage /baguéd/ - bagagem
* Equipment /equep-mênti/ - equipamento
* Food /fúuda/ - comida
* Fruit /fríuti/ - fruta
b) Líquidos:
* Water /uórar/ - água
* Coffee /kofíi/ - café
* Tea /tíi/ - chá
* Milk /méuki/ - leite
* Soup /síupe/ - sopa
* Blood /bláda/ - sangue
c) Sólidos:
* Bread /bréda/ - pão
* Cake /klêiki/ - bolo
* Cheese /tchí-zi/ - queijo
* Meal /miéla/ - carne
* Gold /gôud/ - ouro
* Paper /pêiper/ - papel
* Glass /glássi/ - vidro
d) Palavras abstratas:
* Beauty /biutí/ - beleza
* Education /edikêi-shann/ - educação
* Experience /ekspiuriênce/ - experiência
* Fun /fânna/ - diversão
* Time /tcháima/ - tempo
* Homework /rôumi-uôrka/ - lição de casa
* Music /miuzéka/ - música
* Vocabulary /vokabiuléri/ - vocabulário
* Information /informêi-shann/ - informação
* News /níuz/ - notícia
* Know /náua/ - saber
* Knowledge /náu-édji/ - conhecimento
e) Idiomas:
* Portuguese /portchaguêzi/ - português
* English /ingléshi/ - inglês
* Spanish /ispannéshi/ - espanhol
f) Esportes:
* Soccer /sókar/ - futebol
* Tennis /tennéssa/ - tênis
* Chess /tchássi/ - xadrez
g) Fenômenos naturais:
Rain /rrêina/ - chuva
* Weather /uéder/ - clima
* Snow /isnáua/ - neve
* Fire /fái-ar/ - fogo
* Light /láitchi/ - luz
6 - Exercise
1.Complete the sentences with the names from the list. (Completar as frases com os nomes da lista.)
Water - Gold - Friend - Box - Soccer - Knowledge - Breadweather -
Job     - Cake - Work   - Day - Experience
a) Of the sports, my favourite is ______________________
b) I am going to the cinema with ______________________ of mine.
c) There are two _______________________ blocking he way.
d) Do you have many ____________________ of computers?
e) Would you like a loaf of __________________ with juice?
f) John is unemployed now. He is looking for __________________
g) What a beautiful __________________! Let's go to the park.
h) We had very good ___________________ when we went to the beach.
i) Wold you like some __________________? No, thanks, I'm on a diet.
j) The jewelry they sold is made of _________________
k) I'm thirsty. I need some _______________ before we leave
l) The company is good, but there is too much _________________________

2.Underline the correct nouns of the sentences. (Sublinhe os substantivos corretos das frases)
a) The house is too small for so much furniture / furnitures.
b) Good news is / are always welcome.
c) I had two English / Englishes classes yesterday.
d) Let's listen to some musics / music.
e) I had to buy a / some milk for the baby
f) We had a lot funs / fun in the playground.
g) Did you finish all your homework / homeworks?
h) I will bring a / - bread from the supermarket.
i) It is too much informations / information in just one day.
j) Bernard and Luisa left their luggage / luggages at the hotel.
k) To get the job, you will need more experiences / experience.


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