sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011

Speak English - Let's save the planet: lesson 41

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Access /ak-séssi/ - acesso
* Annual /ênnual/ - anual
* Association /esosciê-shann/ - associação
* Balance /bolênsi/ - equilíbrio
* Bird /bóroda/ - pássaro
* Charity /tcheri/ - instituição de caridade
* Conservation /kanservêi-shann/ - preservação
* Earth warming /êrfa-uomênha/ - aquecimento da Terra (afeito estufa)
* Endangered species /andendjóra-ispíchas/ - espécies ameaçadas
* Environment /enviro-ménti/ - meio ambiente
* Fee /feéi/ - taxa
* Membership /mêmber-shépi/ - associação
* Natural resource /naturáli-rrezôur-ti/ - recurso natural
* Nature reserve /natúre-rresérvi/ - reserva natural
* Pack /pákha/ - pacote
* Protection /protek-tiônna/ - proteção
* Threat /triátu/ - ameaça
* Wildlife /uíli-dlífe/ - vida selvagem
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* Come on! /kam-mânna/ - Vamos lá!
* Really? /rreáli/ - Verdade?
* Take a shop at it! /tátche-asopatita/ - Experimente!
* To be fond of /tubê-fondófi/  - Gostar de
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Disappear /dissapíar/  - desaparecer
* Exploit /eks-plóiti/ - explorar
* Face /fêi-si/ - cara
* Imagine /imadjíne/ - imaginar
* Join /djôina/ - associar-se, juntar-se a
* Please /ple-áse/ - agradar
* Prevent /prévent/ - prevdenir
* Save /saver/ - salvar
* Subscribe /súbis-kríbe/ - inscrever-se, assinar (ex. revista)
4 - Grammar - Gramática
* A transitions ocorre sempre na segunda das duas frases relacionadas. Usamos sempre um ponto final após a primeira frase, nunca vírgula. A posição das transitions, porém, pode variar, conforme os exemplos a seguir:
* Many animals are endangered.
   Therefore, many conservation institutions have been created.
   Many consevation institutions, therefore, have been created.
   Many conservation institutions have been created, therefore.
4 - Exercise
1.Rewrite the sentences, linking them with transitions. Use three alternative positions and punctuate accordingly. (Reescreva as frases, ligando com transitions. Use três posições alternativas e pontue de acordo)
a) Industries and cars pollute the air. Many cities in the world have suffered from the acid rain. (consequently)
b) The hole of the ozone layer is growing. The eart weather has become warmer. (therefore)
c) His office is always messy. He can never find things (consequently)

2.Punctuate the sentences, using capital letters if necessary. (Pontue as frases, usando letra maiúscula se necessário)
a) An industry spilled oil in the sea consequently a lot of fishes died.
b) A strong rain caused a flood in the city many people lost their houses therefore.
c) The traffic was terrible she therefore arrived late at work.
d) We must educate our children so we have a better world in the future.
e) The weather was bad therefore we postponed the trip.
f) The place was very beautiful so we to stay there a couple of days.
g) Humans do damage to nature there are consequently a lot of work to conserve it.
h) Martha loves studying nature therefore she decide to study biology.
i) Scotland has beautiful nature reserves it is very crowded on holydays therefore.


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