segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012

Advanced English 18

1- Phrases /frêizis/ - frases
He always makes a fuss /mêiki-zafássi/ -Ele sempre arma um escândalo.
* I don't see eye to eye on money matters /aidónti-si-ai-tchu-ai-onmônnei-mérros/
   Eu não estou de acordo em assuntos de dinheiro
* No wonder my nephew is happy /nôu-uônder-mai-nefíu/
   Não me surpreende que meu sobrinho esteja contente.
* My neighbor has money to burn. /mai-nêibor-rés-mânnei-tchu-bórrni/
   Meu vizinho tem dinheiro para queimar.
* What good is learning to drive if you don't have a car? /lórrnin/
   Para que serve (qual é a vantagem de) aprender a dirigir se você não tem carro?
* Oh, I forgot my wallet! - You're kidding! /kerêin/
   Esqueci minha carteira! - Está brincando!
2 - Verbs - Verbos
* Do - did - done /du-dêdi-dônni/
   - Fazer
   What did you do last weekend? /dêdi-iú-du/
   O que você fez no fim de semana passado?
* Knock - knocked - knocked /nóki-nókidi-nókidi/
   - Bater em algo repetidamente
   Somebody is knocking at the door /nókin-éti/
   Alguém está batendo na porta.
3 - Multi-word verbs - Verbos compostos
a) Do:
* Do without /du-utiráuti/ - necessitar de algo ou alguém
   I couldn't do without your help /ai-kôu-deníti-do-utiráiti/
   Não poderia ficar sem sua ajuda.
* Do away with /du-auêí-uêfa/ - eliminar, desfazer de
   We should do away with these old regulations /shúdi-dizôldi-reguilêishans/
   Não deveríamos eliminar essas velhas normas.
b) Knock:
* Knock out /nokáuti/
   - trabalhar pesado para conseguir algo; suprimir
   - Deixar alguém fora de combate
   If I want to buy a house, I have to knock myself out /nóki-maiselfáuti/
   Se quiser comprar uma casa terei que trabalhar pesado.
   The young boxer was knocked out /nókidi-dáuti/
   O jovem boxeador foi nocauteado.
* Knock down /nóki-dáun/ - derrubar, demolir, destruir
   The car knocked down the fence /nókidi-dáwn-dhê-fênci/
   O carro derrubou a cerca.
   They are knocking down the old factory /nókin-dáun-dhê-óldi-fékturi/
   Eles estão demolindo a velha fábrica.
4 - Expanding your vocabulary
a) Taxes /tákses/ - impostos
* accrued taxes /akrúd(a)-tákses/ - impostos acumulados
* annual income /ennuól-inkâmmi/ - renda anual
* arrears /rêu-riés/ - atrasos, dívidas
* income tax /inkâmmi-téksis/ - imposto de renda
* ability to pay /abê-loríti-tchu-péi/ - capacidade de pagar
* allowances /oláu-incéssi/ - descontos
* income /inkâmmi/ - renda
* low income /lôu-inkâmmi/ - baixa renda
* tax /táksis/ - imposto
5 - Exercise
A.Complete o diálogo com as expressões correspondentes de forma correta:
    see eye to eye - make a fuss - what good - have money to burn - no wonder - throw money around

Rochel: I don't know why you're __________________ (1)!
John: _________________ (2) you don't understand.
Your main hobby is __________________ (3)!
Rachel: Don't talk to me like that. These skis are so beautiful!
John: ____________________ (4) is a set of skis if you don't know to ski!
Rachel: But I'll learn next winter. You have to buy things when you see them. otherwise you miss the opportunity.
John: It seems we don't ______________ (5)!
Rochel Not me, honey... The cashier is waiting for you to pay...

B.Substitua as palavras em negrito com o verbo composto apropriado:
1) I'm a realtor, so I can't manage without a car. ________________.
2) The stone hit his head and made him unconscious. __________________.
3) I think he will have to demilish those old buildings. _________________.
4) The company has to stop using some discriminatory policies.___________________.
5) They are working hard to travel to El Salvador next summer.____________________.
6) The truck hit a tree when it was backing out of the construction site and made it fall over.________.

C.Assinale o significado em português das seguintes frases:
1. Income tax:
a) ingresos netos
b) impuesto sobre los ingresos

2. Low income:
a) bajos ingresos
b) ingresos brutos

3. Tax return:
a) declaración de impuestos
b) reembolso de impuestos

4. Annual income:
a) ingresos netos
b) ingresos anuales

5. Arrears:
a) descuentos
b) atrasos

5. Accrued taxes:
a) impuestos acumulados
b) exención de impuestos


sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2012

Advanced English 17

1- Phrases /frêizis/ - frases
* I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight /aél-bi-bôrrnen-dhê-mídi-náiti-oél-tchunáiti/
   Ficarei acordado até muito tarde esta noite
* He's been burning the candle at both ends studying /ris-bênn-bôrrnen-kendoléti-bô-fêndis-istadién/
   Ele tem dormido muito pouco estudando.
* I hope he keeps his promise. /airôupi-rikípis-risproméssi/
   Espero que cumpra com sua promessa.
* She always breaks her promises. /shi-au-ués-brêikis-rér-promesés/
   Ela sempre quebra suas promessas.
* I hope so! /airôupi-sôu/
   Assim espero!
* It sould be a breeze! /êti-shôuldi-bi-abrízi/
   Tudo dará certo!
* If you find a good job, the rest is smooth sailing /dhê-rrêstis- ismíudi-sêilen/
   Se encontra um bom trabalho, o resto será fácil.
2 - Verbs - Verbos
* Calm - calmed - calmed /kólmi-kólmedi-kólmedi/
   - Acalmar
   She tried to calm./shi-tráire-tchu-kólmi/
   Ela tentou acalmar
* Stay - stayed - stayed /istêi-istêida-istêida/
   - Ficar
   - Estar hospedado temporariamente em um lugar
   Please stay! /plízi-istêi/ - Por favor, fique!
   Our friends are staying with us for the weekend /istêi-in-uífas-for/
   Nossos amigos ficam conosco durante a fim de semana.
* Check - checked - checked /tchéki-tchékedi-tchékedi/
   Checar, controlar
   I check my e-mails three times a day. /iméus-tri-táimis/
   Eu checo meu e-mails tr^s vezes ao dia.
3 - Multi-word verbs - Verbos compostos
a) Calm
* Calm down /kólmi-dáun/ - acalmar
   Calm down! there's nothing to be afraid of! /nófen/
   Acalme-se! Não há mais que temer!
b) Stay
* Stay up /istêi-ápa/ - ficar acordado até tarde
   We stayed up to watch the recital /istêi-rápa/
   Ficamos acordados até tarde para ver o recital.
c) Check:
* Check off /chekófi/ - marcar
   The teacher checked off the students names. /chekirófi/
   O checou na lista os nomes dos alunos.
* Check out /chekáuti/ - pagar a conta
   After checking out, they took a taxi. /áfiter-chekinnáuti/
   Depois de pagar a conta, pegaram um táxi.
* Check over /chekôuver/ - examinar, checar
   I checked over the bank statement /ai-chekirõuver-dhê-bénki-istêiti-mênti/
   Chquei meu extrato bancário.
   The doctor will chck me over. /dácter-uél-chekimiôuver/
    O doutor me examinará.
d) Take:
* Take away /têiki-uéi/ - tirar algo de alguém ou de uma organização
   The State cannot take away our right to education /dhê-istêiti-kennóti-têiki-uéi-auár-ráiti-tchu-
   O Estado não pode nos tirar o direito à educação.
3 - Exercise:
A.Complete com a expressão adequada:
1) he said he was going to come, but he didn't show up. This is not the first time he ____________
2) We had to hand in the report at 8 o'clock so we _________________
3) She works in the morning and studies at night. I guess she's ___________ and she'll get stressed.
4) Is your cousin coming to the party? ___________________.
5) Once you've passe the interview, ____________________.

B.Una as distintas partes para que formem uma oração com sentido:
1) We checked in (     )
2) I stayed up (     )
3) You should check over (     )
4) When they divorcd, (     )
5) Could you stay (     )
6) When they were checking out, (     )
7) A police officer can take away (     )
8) They checked (     )

a) he came off worse.
b) until 6?
c) Somebody stole their bags.
d) your driver's license.
e) your answers before handing in the test.
f) studying until 4.
g) that they had all their papers.
h) and went to the beach right away.

C.Complete os espaços em branco com o vocabulário adequado:
    Time in district or state - eligible - apply for - Physical presence - Attachment to the Constitution -
     English and Civics - Continuous residence - naturalisation - citizen - immigration attorney -
     Good moral character

1) To become a ____________ , you must be willing to swear your loyalty to the United States.
2) The process of becoming a US citizen is called ________________.
3) You can __________ naturalization once you meet certain requirements.
4) You have to live in the US as a permanent resident for a specific amount of time______________
5) You have to be present in the US for specific time periods ______________.
6) Spend specific amounts of time in your state or district __________________.
7) Behave in a legal and acceptable manner _________________.
8) Know Enhlish and information about US history and government _________________.
9) Understand and accept the principles of the US Constitution ____________________.
10) To see if you are __________________ to apply for naturalization, see Form M-480.
11) You may also wish to consult an _______________.
