quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011

Speak English - At the pub: lesson 40

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Bartender /ba-tchêndor/ - atendente de balcão
* Better /berér/ - cerveja forte e amarga
* Bitter /berár/ - cerveja forte e amarga
* Busy day /bêzi-déi/ - dia cheio
* Cold /kôudi/ - gelado
* Pub /pába/ - típico bar londrino
* Stuffy /istáfi/ - abafado
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* Cheers! /ti-áza/ - Saúde!
* Don't worry! - Não se preocupe!
* Enjoy /anjhói/ - Bom proveito, bom apetite
* How are things going? - Como vão as coisas?
* I am expecting someone else. - Estou esperando alguém.
* I can hardly... - Mal posso...
* I lost track of time. /thruá-kóv-táima/ - Perdi a noção do tempo
* I'm on the run /ai-mânna-dhê-rrânna/ - Estou correndo; muito ocupado/a
* Let's toast! /létis-touásti/ - Vamos brindar!
* Not so good /nót-souguéda/ - Mais ou menos.
* How are things going? /fínguis-gouênna/ - Como vão as coisas?
* Sorry I'm late. - Desculpe pelo atraso.
* To go for a beer - Sair para tomar uma cerveja
* What are we having? - O que vamos tomar?
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Drink /drínki/ - beber
* Enjoy /andjói/ - divertir-se, desfrute
* Go for /goufár/ - tentar
* See /síi/ - ver
* Toast /tôusti/ - brindar
4 - Grammar - Gramática
* So e Such - significa = tão: utilizados para intensificar os adjetivos
a) So /só/ - antecede um adjetivo.
* This pub is so stuffy. /sôu-istáfi/- este pub está tão abafado.
b) Such /sáthci/ - antecede um adjetivo+um substantivo
* It was such a good trip.
c) Antes de many, few, much e little, usa-se So, e não Such;
* There are so many poor people in the world! - Há tanta gente pobre no mundo!
5 - Exercise
1.Complete the sentences with so or such (Complete as frases com so ou such)
a) If was _______________ a good book that I couldn't stop reading it.
b) The weather is ______________ nice that I want to be the whole day in the park.
c) Bob speaks ______________ fast that I can't understand what he says.
d) Sue has __________________ little time that can reraly go out.
e) That was _____________an expensive restaurant that we couldn't afford it.
f) That was ____________ a boring film!
g) She looked _______________ beautiful in her new dress.
h) If was __________________ a good beer that I wanted one more.
i) They have ______________ much money that they don't know how to spend it.
j) If was _____________ strong love that Tim couldn't leave Anne.
l) There were ______________ many peaple in the room that it was stuffy

2.Replace so for such in the sentences below. (Substitua so para such nas frases abaixo)
The traffic was so heavy that we coulsn't move
It was such heavy traffic that we couldn't move.
a) The food was so salty that it was impossible to eat it.
It was ______________________________________________________
b) Tim was so nice that everybody wanted to talk to him.
Tim was ____________________________________________________
c) John was so fat that he could rarely find clothes of his size.
John was ____________________________________________________
d) The room was so stuffy that nobody wanted to be there.
It was ______________________________________________________
e) Her English is so good that you think she is a native speaker.
She has _____________________________________________________


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