sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

Relative Pronouns

O pronome relativo sempre se refere ao antecedente na frase. A exemplo dos pronomes pessoais e dos demonstrativos, os pronomes relativos apresentam dois casos: nominativo e objetivo. Os pronomes relativos têm a mesma forma para o singular e plural, masculino ou feminino. Eles somente variam para o caso de se referirem a pessoas ou a coisas e de acordo com seu caso.
a)Para pessoas:
Who    (nominativo)   - que, o qual
Whom (objetivo)       - que, o qual
Whose (possessivo)  - cujo, cuja

b)Para coisas e animais:
Which (nominativo ou objetivo) - que, o qual
Of wich (possessivo) - cujo, cuja

c)Para pessoas ou coisas:
That (nominativo ou objetivo) - que, o qual

d)Antecedentes não expressos:
What (nunca se refere a um antecedente)

Uso dos pronomes relativos
Se o antecedente for sujeito, usa-se who.
*The man who spoke is my brother.
  O homem que falou é meu irmão.

*The girl who came here is my friend.
  A menina que veio aqui é minha irmã.

Se o antecedente for objeto, usa-se whom:
*The man whom you say shouting is my uncle.
  O homem que você viu gritando é meu tio.

*He is one of the men whom I can trust.
  Ele é um dos homens em quem eu posso confiar.

*This is the boy to whom I gave the book.
  Este é o menino a quem dei o livro.

Se a frase indicar posse, usa-se whose:
*He is a man whose word is as good as his bond.
  Ele é um homem cuja a palavra é tão boa quanto sua obrigação.

ATENÇÃO: Pode-se usar whose em referência a animais, e of which para objetos em linguagem formal:
*The school of which gate is broken must have if fixed immediately.
  A escola, cujo portão está quebrado, deve consertá-lo imediatemente.

That é invariável, e é usado tanto para pessoas como para coisas:
*Shakespeare is the greatest poet that England has ever had.
  Shakespeare é o maior poeta que a Inglaterra já teve.

*They live in a house that was built in 1960.
  Eles moram numa casa que foi construída em 1960.


A.Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns (Complete os espaços com os pronomes relativos):
01.The boy that you spoke to is here.
02.The typist _________ wrote the letters made a lot of mistakes.
03.The tractors _____________ you bought are not good ones.
04.The dictionary, the pages ____________ are torn, is expensive.
05.Happy is the man ___________trusts in God.
06.The pen ___________ is on the desk is brand new.
07.Peter is the pupil ______________ always gets high marks.
08.I connot understand _______________ you are trying to say.
09.Mrs green is the teacher with __________ I learned.
10.Tell me ____________ you wish to buy, please.
11.The table ____________ legs are broken is very old.
12.The newspaper ______________ I like to read is the "Times".
13.The girl ______________ you saw at the party yesterday, wants to speak to you.
14.I have just forgotten ____________ I wanted to tell you.
15.The woman ______________ is sitting at thr table is my niece.
16.Jane is the gils ________________ you saw walking in the garden.
17.Is this the journal ______________ you want?
18.Frank is the student ____________ speaks French well.
19.The boy _______________ everybody sau is here.
20.This is the woman ______________ daughter I like very much.

B.Add relative pronouns (Adicione os pronomes relativos):
01.He met my mother, from who he got the news of my marriage.
02.He is a famous scientist, about ___________ many books have been written.
03.The king __________ life has been devoted to his country, deserves his popularity.
04.My bank manager, with ____________ I was speaking yesterday, is concerned about the state of my account.
05.The Tower of London, about ____________ a lecture is to be given tomorrow, is a famous historical building.
06.The house ____________ everybody is looking at is mine.
07.The man ____________ made these shoes doesn1t know his trade.
08.The policeman ______________ helmet you knocked off is at the door.
09.The man ___________ I pointed out you in the street is a good teacher.
10.The cigarette _____________ you are smoking is not good.

C.Choose the best alternative (Escolha a melhor alternativa):
01.Those ____________ live in Chicago con go home now.
a)whom                             d)which
b)who                                e)what

02.That is the man _______ shop was damaged during the flood.
a)whom                             d)which
b)who                                d)that

03.The men ___________ were helping you were probably Peter's friend.
a)whom                              d)which
b)who                                 e)that

04.The boy ____________ brother won the race is my best friend.
a)whom                               d)which
b)who                                  e)that

05.The gentleman ___________ you met yesterday is my uncle.
a)whom                               d)what
b)who                                  e)which

06.He is a man ____________ word is as good as his friend.
a)whom                               d)what
b)who                                  e)which

07.He is one of the men ________ I can trust.
a)whom                               d)what
b)who                                  e)which

                                                              The and

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