sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns
I - myself
You - yourself
He - himself
She - herself
It - itself
We - ourselves
You - yourselves
They - themselves

Uso dos Pronomes Reflexivos:
a)Uso Reflexivo - a ação do verbo recai no próprio sujeito (igual ao português):
*John hurt himself yesterday.
  John se cortou ontem.
*They enjoyed themselves at the party.
  Eles se divertiram na festa.
*She blamed herself for that mistake.
  Ela se culpou pelo engano.

b)Uso Enfático - o pronome pode ser omitido sem prejuízo do sentido da frase, ele é usado meramente para dar ênfase.
*Veronica herself made the cake.
  Verônica mesma fez o bolo.
*I myself prepared the birthday.
  Eu mesma preparei a festa de aniversário.
*We ourselves have to meet the principal.
  Nós mesmos temos de encontrar o diretor.

c)Uso Idiomático - após a preposição by, o pronome reflexivo tem o significado de "sozinho" (sem a ajuda de ninguém).
*I went to the movies last night by myself.
  Fui ao cinema sozinho a noite passada.
*The old man lives by himself in a small apartment.
  O velho homem mora sozinho num pequeno apartamento.
*You have to study by yourself.
  Você tem de estudar sozinho.


A.Write the correct Reflexive Pronouns (Escreva o pronome reflexivo correto):
01.John shaves himself every morning.
02.Mary hurt __________ when she fell.
03.I ____________ will prepare lunch for everybody.
04.Mary looked _____________ the mirror.
05.We enjoyed _____________ at thr party last night.
06.The poor woman shot _______________ .
07.Be careful! you will cut ______________ with that knife.
08.The dog hurt _______________ when it jumped over the fence.
09.The child burned ___________ on the hot stove.
10.My young son can dress _______________ very well.
11.Can you little daughter dress _____________ yet?
12.I cut ________________ yesterday on a piece of glass.
13.Did you enjoy ______________ at John's party last night?
14.The President _________________ will deliver the principa!
15.That horse will hurt _______________ if it falls in that hole.
16.We ___________________ heard John shout at the teacher.
17.She says that she ________________ will return the book to you.
18.I enjoyed _____________ very much at the opera last night.
19.Mary says that she also enjoyed ____________.
20.the slodier shot ______________ with his rifle.

B.In the place of the word alone, substitute the prepositions by and a reflexive pronoun (no lugar da palavra alone, substitua pela preposição by e um pronome reflexivo).
01.She went for a walk in the park alone.
     She went for a walk in the park by herself.
02.I don't like to study alone. (uma linha)
03.He eats lunch every day in the cafeteria alone.
04.Do you like to eat alone.
05.The two boys will study alone in a separate group.
06.Mary and I will also study alone on a special roup.
07.The old woman lives alone in a furnished room.
08.The dog found its way home alone.
09.He works alone in a small office.
10.He often goes for a walk in the park alone.
11.Do you like to go the movies alone.
12.She did all the work alone.
13.He plans to go to Europe nest summer alone.
14.the boys study alone in one group.
15.The gils study alone in another group.
16.I don't want to go the theater alone, but I will.
17.Some people like to go the theater alone, but I don't.
18.the servents eat alone in a special room.
19.John sits alone in a corner every day.
20.We play to decorate the apartment alone, without help from anyone.

                                                                       The and

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