sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

Future Tense

O tempo futuro descreve uma ação que ainda virá. Indica promessa ou determinação. Forma-se o futuro com o verbo auxiliar will e o infinitivo (forma simples) do verbo principal.
I       will go
You  will go
He    will go
She   will go
It       will go
We    will go
You   will go
They  will go

ATENÇÃO: Na primeira pessoa do singular e na primeira pessoa do plural podem-se usar tanto will
como shall. Na conversação diária, usa-se geralmente a forma contraída I'll, you'll, he'll etc.
*I'll see you tomorrow.
  Verei você amanhã.
*We'll call him later.
  Nos o chamaremos mais tarde.

Negative form

Forma-se a negativa do futuro simplesmente colocando not após o verbo auxiliar.
I        will  not  go.
You   will  not  go.
He     will  not  go.
She    will  not  go.
It       will  not  go.
We    will  not  go.
You   will  not  go.
They  will  not  go

ATENÇÃO: A forma contraída de will not e won't. Esta também é usada na conversação diária.
*I won't see her before tomorrow.
  Não a verei antes de amanhã.

Interrogative form

A forma interrogativa é elaborada, regularmente, pela colocação do verbo auxiliar antes do sujeito.
Will I       go?
Will You  go?
Will he     go?
Will she   go?
Will it      go?
Will we    go?
Will you   go?
Will they  go?

A.Change to Future Tense (Mude para o Tempo Futuro):
01.He studies in this class.
     He will study in this class.
02.She works in this office. (uma linha)
03.You speak English well.
04.I come to the lesson on time.
05.They walk on their work.
06.Brings his friends to the lesson.
07.He opens the door for us.
08.He studies very much.
09.She brings all her books to the lesson
10.He plays the violin well.

B.Change to negative form (Mude para a forma negativa):
01.He will see us at three o'clock.
     He won't see us at three o'clock.
02.She will be back in an hour. (uma linha)
03.He will be the best student in the class.
04.She will meet us here.
05.We will tell John about it.
06.I will be able to meet you.
07.I will see you next Wednesday.
08.You will like that picture very much.
09.The weather will be warm tomorrow.

C.Change to interrgative form (Mude para a forma interrogativa):
01.George will return next week.
     Will george return next week.
02.There will be many studentes absent tomorrow (uma linha)
03.Our teacher will be Miss Smith.
04.We will write you a letter immediately.
05.She will be back in ten minutes.
06.We will go to the movies next Wednesday night.
07.We will buy a new car this year.
08.the boys will arrive tomorrow.
09.they will live in Mexico next year.
10.Our lesson will end at three o'clock.

                                                                  The and 

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