sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

Speak English - Moods: lesson 51

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Comma /kammar/ - vírgula
* Direct speech /duékti-ispíti/ - discurso direto
* Edgy /edi/ - nervoso/a, facilmente irrtável
* Miserable /mízebou/ - muito infeliz, arrasado/a
* Moody /mudi/ - que muda de humor rapidamente
* Easily upset /ízili-ápséti/ - facilmente irritável
* Adjustments /adjást-mêntis/ - ajustes
* Angry /engri/ - irritado/a, nervoso/a
* Content /kontênti/ - satisfeito/a, feliz
* Confident /kon-fídenti/ - confiante
* Patient /pêi-shânti/ - paciente
* Quoted speech /kooréda-ispíti/ - discurso direto
* Quotation marks /kuotêi-shann-márrkis/ - aspas
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* As soon as possible. /assunnás-póssibou/
   O quanto antes, o mais rápido possível.
* By the other hand. /bai-dhê-ódher-rêndi/
   Por outro lado.
* On end /onêndi/ - infinitamente, sem parar
* To have an open mind.
   Ter mente aberta
* What's the matter?
   Qual é o problema?
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Thank /fênki/ - agradecer
* Rush /rráshi/- correr, apressar-se
* Keep /kíipa/ - manter-se
* Complain /komplêina/ - reclamar
* Look /lóka/ - parecer
* Justify /djastefáia/ - justificar (referente a formatação de textos)
4 - Quoted speech - Discurso direto
* O quoted speech ou direct speech (discurso direto) é a reprodução exata do que foi dito por outra pessoa.
a) No quoted speech, usamos verbos como say, tell, ask, whisper.
Ex.: Ms. Green said, "Please write a letter to Mr. Smith."
A senhora Green disse, "Por favor, escreva uma carta ao Sr. Smith."
Obs.: Após said, usa-se a vírgula (comma), aspas (quotation marks), e a primeira letra do que foi dito deve ser maiúscula. No fim, ponto final e aspas.
* Variação:
Ex.: "Please write a letter to Mr. Smith," said Ms Green.
b) Quando houver mais de uma frase, podemos escolher entre as duas formas.
Ex.: "Please write a letter to Mr. Smith. I want to send this letter today." Ms. Green said. Ou
"Please write a letter to Mr. Smith," Ms. Green said. "I want to send this letter today."
c) Quando tivermos uma pergunta ou uma frase exclamativ, trocamos o ponto final ou a vírgula por ponto de interrogação ou de exclamação.
Ex.: "Steve, can you help me to write the letter?" Yvonne asked. Ou
* Yvonne asked, "Steve, can you help me to write the letter?
   Yvonne perguntou, "Steve, você pode ajudar-me a escrever a carta?
* The body of the letter is not justified!" said Ms. Green.
d) Você pode variar os verbos utilizados no quoted speech, como add, agree, answer, comment, conplain, continue, explain, inquire, remark, repley, respond, shout, suggest, whisper.
5 - Exercise
1.Re-write the sentences below, with the correct punctuation and capitalization. (Reescreva as frases abaixo, com a pontuação e letras maiúsculas corretas.)
Ex.: Your letter is not bad Steve said
"Your letter is not bad," Steve said.

a) Can you file these documents asked Ms Stuart.
b) I can't find file stapler said Hojn maybe someone took it.
c) I haven't seen your stapler shouted Mary.
d) Daniel complained It is impossible to work with all this noise.
e) My boss said Shalin is a very understanding person.
f) If the manager is not a nice person she announced I will quit my job.
g) I will help you whenever you need promised Charles.
h) I was very busy yesterday she explained I was preparing a report for today's meeting.
i) Speak lower or you'll awake the baby the mother whispered.

2.Re-write the sentences below using quoted speech. Use the verbs of the list, placing them in the middle of the sentence or between two sentences whenever possible.
(Reescreva as frases abaixo usando quoted speech. Use os verbos da lista, colocando-os no meio da frase ou entre duas frases sempre que possível)
Agree - confess - suggest - complain - shout - whisper

a) Jennie: You are always late, Bob. We won't arrive in time for the film.
b) Bob: You're right, Jennie. But we can have dinner in a good restaurant, if you wish.
c) Don't tell the boss, but I'm leaving earlier today.
d) Mother: Who broke the neighbour's window?
e) Son: I did it, mom, but it wasn't on purpose.

3.Complete the following text with the appropriate punctuation and capitalization. (Complete o texto a seguir com a pontuação e letra maiúscula apropriadas)

a) When I came to Mr. Robinson's office, he asked why are you late.
b) Well, Mr. Robinson I explained I've been working hard recently. Yesterday worked until 10 p.m.
c) But what is it that you are doing he inquired that is taking so much of your time.
d) I've just finished next year's budget, sir I replied
e) In this case he remarked you may go home earlier today and have some rest. You look tired.


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