terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012

Speak English -Going shopping : lesson 49

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Bookshop, bookstore (USA) /búki-shópi/búku-istor/ - loja que vende livros, livraria
* Bookstall /búki-istóla/ - banca de jornais (news-stand (USA))
* Baker's shop /beikéz-shópa - padaria
* Butcher's shop /bútchers-shópa/ - açougue
* Careful /kérfol/ - cuidadoso/a
* Clothes shop /klôuz-shópa/ - loja onde vende roupas
* Dress shop /druéss-shópa/ - loja de roupas femininas
* Fashion /feshanna/ - moda
* Feet /fíiti/ - pés (singular: foot /fóti/)
* Fishmonger's /fishi-mangoza/ - peixaria
* Floor /flóor/ - piso, andar
* Furniture Shop /fornitchor-shópa/ - loja de móveis
* Gift /guéfti/ - presente
* Gorgeous /godjéssa/ - lindo, maravilhoso
* Grocer's shop /groucéris-shópa/ - mercado (groceries: as mercadorias vendidas
* Greengrocer's shop /grin-groucéris-shópa/ - loja que vende frutas e vegetais
* Heel /riêu/ - salto (de sapato, sandália)
* High /ráia/ - alto/a
* Later on /leiroônna/ - mais tarde, depois
* Lift /léfti/ - elevador
* Sandal /sendól/ - sandália
* Scarf /iskárfa/ - echarpe
* Sensitive /senteréva/ - sensível
* Shoes shop /shus-shópa/ - loja de sapatos
* Toyshop /tólei-shópa/ - loja de brinquedos
* Trend /tchuênd/ - tendência
* Window /uindáu/- vitrine
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* Don't worry
   Não se preocupe
* I will keep my word.
   Manterei minha palavra.
* In (my) spare time.
   No (meu) tempo livre.
* You're one of a kind.
   Você não existe (literalmente: você é único)
* I just want to browse - Só quero dar uma olhada
* I would like to try them on - Gostaria de experimentá-las
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Bought /bótcha/ - comprou (passado simples e particípio de buy: comprar)
* Browse /bráuzi/ - olhar as lojas despreocupadamente, sem se saber ao certo o que irá comprar
* Choose /tiúzha/ - escolher
* Entertain /entrutêina/- divertir
* Go window shopping /gôu-uendôu-shopênha/ - olhar as vitrines
* Owe /áua/ - dever
* Say /sêi/ - dizer
* Try on /tchai-ônna/ - experimentar (roupas, sapatos etc, antes de comprar)
4 - Regular and irregular plural nouns - Substantivos com plural regular e irregular
a) O plural da maioria dos substantivos é formado acrescentando-se o s no fim da palavra.
* shop - shops
* window - windows
* floor - floors
b) Quando a palavra termina em sh, ch, z e x, acrescenta-se es:
* box - boxes
* match - matches
* business - businesses
c) Quando a palavra termina em y, tiramos essa letra e acrescentamos ies:
* body - bodies
d) Alguns substantivos têm sua forma plural irregular:
* analysis - analyses
* basis - bases
* child - children
* crisis - crises
* foot - feet
* man - men
* memorandum - memoranda
* mouse - mice
* tooth - teeth
e) Para formar o plural da maioria das palavras terminadas em o, acrescenta-se somente o s. Algumas palavras, porém, têm na forma plural o s ou es:
* echo - echoes
* potato - potatoes
* mosquito - mosquitoes ou mosquitos
* memento - mementoes ou mementos
* volcano - volcanoes ou volcanos
f) Para alguns substantivos terminados em f ou fe, troca-se essas letras por ves.
* half - halves
* knife - knives
* leaf - leaves
* self - selves
* scarf - scarves
thief - thieves
Obs.: Outros, porém, têm somente o s acrescentado.
* belief - beliefs
* chief - chiefs
* roof - roofs
g) Algumas palavras têm o sinônimo e plural iguais:
* one means - two means
* one species - some species
* one series - many series
h) Algumas palavra são usadas somente no plural:
glasses; jeans; pyjamas; scissors; shorts; trousers

Para elas pode-se usar, ainda, pair of.
* A pair of trousers; a pair of glasses.
5 - Exercise
1.Fill in the blankets with the correct plural form of the nouns. (Preencha as lacunas com a forma no plural correta dos substantivos)
a) Please bring me the ____________ and the __________________ (knife, fork)
b) Some _______________ can cause malaria. (mosquito)
c) I prefer pizza with fresh ________________. (tomato)
d) This country has passed through many ecnomic ________________ (crisis)
e) _______________ have been fighting for their rights the last decades. (woman)
f) Amanda is baby-sitting two little _______________ . (baby)
g) You need a new __________________ . (trousers)
h) These ________________ of plant are only found in Amazonas. (species)

2.Re-write the sentences in the plural form. ( Reescreva as frases na forma plural)
Ex.: You have a beautiful child.
You have beautiful children.
a) I have seen a volcano in Japan. (some)
b) There is only means of transport in the island. (two)
c) The scarf is charming and colourful.
d) Is your tooth brushed?
e) She can't do everything by herself.
f) This box belongs to Mr. Green.
g) Can I have a loaf of bread, please? (two)
h) I saw a mouse in the basement. (some)
i) Please bring me a potato from the supermarket. (a bag of)

3.Correct the words in italics if necessary. (Corrija as palavras em itálico se necessário)
a) I have two memorandum to send you.
b) One means to solve the problem would be to call a meeting.
c) the two thief were caught by the police.
d) There are many man standing in front of the factory.
e) When I visited Índia, I brought two mementoes to my mother.


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