terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012

Speak English - Where is the boss? lesson 56

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Couple /kápou/ - casal, par
* Curiosity /kiuriá-sori/ - curiosidade
* Director /diu-éktor/ - diretor
* Home town /hôumi-tcháun/ - cidade natal
* Meddler /métiler/ - enxerido/a, intrometido/a
* Notice /nóu-réssi/ - aviso
* Office /oféssi/ - escritório
* Previous /priviéssi/ - prévio, anterior
* Secretary /sekuetárri/ - secretária
2 - Useful Expressions /iúzifol-íki-espréshans/
     Expressões úteis
* A couple of /a-kapôu-laveuóris/ (hours days, weeks etc)
   He disapperars for a couple of hours/ri-disapeáris-forá-kapôu-laveuóris/
   Ele desaparece por algumas horas
   He disappears for a couple of weeks /ri-disapeáris-forá-kapôu-lavou-íkis/
   Ele desaparece por algumas
   He disappears for a couple of days /ri-disapeáris-forá-kapôu-lovidêis/
   Ele desparece por alguns dias.
* How often /rau-ófen/ - Quantas vezes, quão frentemente
   How often does he come here? /rau-ófen-dázi-ri-kâmmi-riér/
   Quantas vezes ele vem aqui?
* In the flesh /in-dhê-fléshi/ - pessoalmente, "em carne e osso"
   I'd like to see him In the flesh /áid- láiki-tchu-síi-rêma-in-dhê-fléshi/
   Eu gostaria de encontrá-lo pessoalmente.
* Once in a while /uânci-enná-uael/ - De ves em quando,, ocasionalmente
   Once in a while he shows up /uânci-enná-uael-ri-shôu-zápa/
   De vez em quando ele aparece.
* To glue (oneself) to /tchu-gô-lêu-uânni-sélfi-tchu/ - Acompanhar uma pessoa de perto
* To have a try /tchu-révi-a-tchai/ - Fazer uma tentativa, tentar
    I will have a try /ai-uil-révi-a tchai/
    Vou fazer uma tentativa
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Disappear /disapiér/ - desaparecer
* Drop by /djóp-bai/ - fazer uma visita rápida, sem aviso prévio
   Can I  drop by there /
   Posso dar uma passadinha lá
* Hope /rôupa/ - esperar, ter esperança
   I have hope - Eu tenho esperança
* Own /oúna/ - ter, possuir
* Show up /shôu-ápa/ - aparecer, mostrar-se
* Suppose /supôuzi/ - supor
* Wonder /uândha/ - amaginar, maravilhar,
4 - Grammar points - Pontos gramaticais
a) Quando iniciamos a frase com "Do you know."("Você sabe..."), "Could you tell me..."("Você poderia me dizer..."), a ordem do auxiliar e do sujeito mudam para a forma afirmativa.
Ex.: Where is he? - Onde ele está?
Do you know where he is? - Você sabe onde ele esta?
b) No repored speech a ordem também mudada.
Ex.: "Where do you work?", Tom asked.
Tom asked where I worked.
c) Question word  - Use  - Exemple
What /uáti/ - (o que): perguntas sobre coisas
* What are you doing? - O que você está fazendo?
When /uênna/ - (quando): perguntas sobre períodos de tempo
* When does he come to the office? - Quando ele vem ao escritório
Where /uéar/ - (onde): perguntas sobre lugares, localização
* Where does he live? - Onde ele mora/vive.
Why /uai/ - (por que): perguntas sobre motivos
* Why are you sad? - Por que você está triste
Who /ru/ - (quem): perguntas sobre pessoas
* Who is the boss? - Quem é o chefe?
How /rau/ - (como): perguntas sobre modo, maneira
* How do you spell this word? - Como se soletra esta palavra?
How much/how many /rau-mátchi/e /rau-mênni/ - (quanto, quantos): perguntas sobre quantidade (incontável - much e contável - many )
* How much does this book cost. - Quanto custa este livro?
* How many houses does he have? - Quantas casas ele tem?
How old /rau-ôuda/ - (quantos anos): perguntas sobre idade
* How old are you? - Quantos anos você tem?
How + adjetivo - (quão): perguntas sobre diversos 
* How cold is it? /rau-kôudi-ezéti/ - Quão frio está?,
* How beautiful is she? /rau-bi-u-riful-is-shi/ - Quão bonita ela é?, Ela é bonita
How long /rau-lônnga/ - (há quanto tempo): perguntas sobre tempo
* How long have you been working here? - Há quanto tempo você trabalha aqui?
How often /rau-ófen/ - (quantas vezes): perguntas sobre frequência
* How often does he come to the office? - Quantas vezes ele vem ao escritório?
How far /rau-fór/ - (a que distância): perguntas sobre distância
* How far is your house from here? - Qual a distância da sua casa até aqui?
5 - Exercise
1.Make questions according to the information given (Faça perguntas de acordo com a informação dada)
Ex.: I want to be an engineer.
Who wants to be an angineer?
a) I visited South Africa and Marroco during my vacation.
What countries_____________________________________________
b) I visited my parents last night.
c) I work in a consultancy firm.
d) I want a piece of cake.
e) I have to work nest weekend.
f) I go to the gym twice a week.
How often_________________________________________________

2.Make questions using question words. (faça perguntas usando as question words. (Faça perguntas usando as question words.)
Ex.: Where do you live? (you / live) in Birmingham.
a) ______________________________________________ ? (be / you) I'm 21.
b) ______________________________________________ ? (be / your school from home) About 21 miles,
c) ______________________________________________ ? (can / speak Japonese) Tomiko can.
d) ______________________________________________ ? (Samantha / buy) A new dress.
e) ______________________________________________ ? (handsome / be / he) He is tall and strong.
f) ______________________________________________ ? (happen / you / yesterday I was sick.

3.Re-write the sentences beginning with "Do you know..." (Reescreva as frases começando com "Você sabe..."
a) Where is the bus stop?
Do you know____________________________ ?
b) Why didn't Gertrude come to the party?
Do you know____________________________ ?
c) What does your neighbour do?
Do you now _____________________________ ?
d) How often does Anne see John?
Do you know ____________________________ ?
e) How old is your grandfather?
Do you know ____________________________ ?

4.Re-write the sentences in reported speech. (Reescreva a frases em discurso indireto)
a) "How long have you been working here?" asked Luisa.
b) He inquired. "Why does she always arrive late?"
c) She wondered. "where is he mow?"
d) They asked. "Who lives here?"


Speak English - The zodiac: lesson 55

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Astrology /astroóla-di/ - astrologia
* Candio /kendióu/ -franco
* Critical /kritikôu/ - crítico/a
* Curius /kiuoriéssi/ - curioso/a
* Famous /fem-másse/ - famoso/a
* Funny /fanni/ - engaçado/a
* Horoscope /hóres-kalôpa/ - horóscopo
* Magazine /magazínna/ - revista
* Outgoing /áuti-gôinn/ - amigável, sociável
* Partner /párrtner/ - parceiro/a, par
* Proud /práauda/ - orgulhoso/a
* Realistic /rrê-alistéki/ - realista
* Rich /rrêtchi/ - rico/a
* Stars /istáris/ - estrelas (na astrologia é horóscopo)
* Truthful /triúfifol/ - confiável
* Truth /triúfi/ - verdade
2 - Useful expressions
* Never mind /néver-máindi/
   Não importa, não faz mal
* To be in somebody's star /tchubi-ênn-sabáris-istar/
   Estar escrito no horóscopo de alguém, estar escrito nas estrelas.
* He also gets on very well with you /riálsou-guétson-véri-uél-uifi-iú/
   Ele também se dá muito bem com você.
* I don't believe in Astrology /ai-dônti-bê-líve-ênnas-troóla-di/
   Eu não acredito em astrologia
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* To be born /tchubi-bórrna/ - ser nascido, nascer
   I'm born in Fortaleza /aimi-bórrna ênna-fortalaza/ - Eu nasci em Fortaleza
* Enjoy /endjói/ - gostar de divertir-se
* Spend /ispêndi/ - gastar
* End up /endópa/ - acabar, terminar
   I go to end up now /ai-gôu-tchu-endópinau/ - Eu vou acabar/terminar agora.
* Become /bikãmma/ - tornar-se
   I will go to become famous /ai-uilgôu-bikâmma-fêimas/
   Eu vou tornar-se famoso
* Be supposed to /bi-supôzidi-tchu/ - ser (provavelmente)
4 - Relative clauses - who, that, whose, whitch
a) Relative pronouns - Independent clauses - relative clauses
* Pessoas:
   Who - I meet the boy - The boy who I met yesterday is a libra
   That - He is a Libra - The boy that I met yesterday is a Libra.
* Coisas:
   That - The magazine has the the horoscope - The magazine that has the is mine;
   Which - It is mine - The magazine which has the horoscope is mine.
* Pessoas e coisas:
   Whose - I talked to the man. His sign is Capricorn - I talked to the man whose sign is Capricorn.
               - I bought a book. Its subject is the zoodiaco - I bought a book whose subject is the Zodiac.
5 - Exercise
1.Match the sentences from the lists and make them into relative clauses. (Ligue as frases das listas e as transforme em relative clauses.
a) The woman lives nexte door - it is planetary ruler of Aries.
b) He works for a publish         - She is very romantic
c) The woman is looking for the perfect partner - It will keep their relationship strong.
d) Mars is a planet - She is an astrologer.
e) Cancer and Scorpio have a great deal in common - It makes magazines about Astrology.

a) ___________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________
d) ___________________________________________________________
e) ___________________________________________________________

2.Join the two sentences using relative pronouns (Junte as duas frases usando pronomes relativos)
a) The girl is my friend. She likes to read her stars every day.
b) I read the book. It was about the Zodiac.
c) I want to see the man. He is an astrologer.
d) The topic was interesting. Mike was talking about it.
e) The woman read my stars. She is nice.
f) I read an article about astrology. The article was interesting.

3.Complete the sentences with appropriate relative pronoun (Complete as frases com o pronome relativo apropriado)
a) The man _______________ I met was a Libra.
b) The planet ____________ rules the sign of Taurus is Venus.
c) I like people ____________ have good humor.
d) I am studying with a boy ______________ mother is an astrology.
e) The sign of Aries has features ______________ are attractive to Gemini.
f) Scorpio is a sign _____________ element is Water.
g) the pen ___________ you found is mine.


sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Speak English - What did you say? - lesson 54

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Businesswoman /bêziness-uumênn/ - mulher de negócios (masc. businessman)
* Dedicated /dedikeiréda/ - dedicado/a
* Fussy/faassí/-meticuloso/a, minucioso/a, agitado/a
* Gratitude/graratíuda/-gratidão
* Insecure/ansekior/-inseguro/a
* Patient/peixânti/-paciente
* Understanding/anderstendênha/-compreensivo/a
* Whenever/uenéver/-sempre que
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* It was nothing/êti-iázi-nofênha/
   Não foi nada
* I'm on good terms/aiman-gúdi-thérmis/
   Estou me relacionando bem com outra pessoa
* I'm over the moon/aimôver-dhe-múnna/
   Estou muito feliz, nas nuvens
* I'm proud of  something/áima-práuda-óva-sâmmi-fênha/
   Estou orgulhoso de algo, tenho orgulho de algo
* I'm proud of someone /áima-práuda-óva-sâmmi-uânna/
   Estou orgulhoso de alguém, tenho orgulho de alguém
* You have my gratitude /iú-révi-maigraratíuda/
   Você tem minha gratidão
* She is very edgy /shi-is-veuriádi/
   Ela é muito nervosa.
* Now I feel good! /nau-aifiu-gúdi/
   Agora eu estou bem!
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Ask /áska/ - perguntar
* Help out /rêu-páuti/ - ajudar em momento de necessidade
   I have to help out - Eu tenho que ajudar
* Predict /pré-dékti/ - predizer, prever
* Say /sêi/ - dizer
* Show /shóu-a/ - mostrar, apresentar
* Tell /tchéla/ - dizer, contar
* Worry /uôrri/ - preocupar-se
4 - Reported Speech /repúred-ispítchi/ - Discurso Direto
a) Reported speech serve para relatar o que alguém disse em discurso direto;
* Ms green said that the letter was very good. - Senhorita verde disse que a carta era muito boa.
b) Veja abaixo a combinação de verbos no reported speech.
   Quoted Speech /kuoréda-ispíiti/ - discurso citado
   Simple present
* The letter is very good - A carta é muito boa.
I am writing the letter now - Estou escrevendo a carta agora.
* I finished the letter this morning. - Eu terminei a carta esta manhã.
   Reported Speech
   Simple past
* She said (that) the letter was very good - Ela disse (que) a letra era muito boa.
* She said that she was writing the letter - Ela disse que estava escrevendo a carta.
* She said that had finished the letter that morning - Ela disse que havia terminado a carta naquela manhã.
* She said that she finished the letter that morning - Ela disse que ela terminou a carta naquela manhã.
Observação: Should, ought e might não mudam
* I should file these documents.
   She said that she should file these documents.
   Ela disse que deveria arquivar estes documentos.
c) Quando falamos sobre fatos presentes, não é secessário mudar o verbo quando usamos reported speech.
* Sabrina said that she works in a factory.
   Sabrina disse que trabalha em uma fábrica.
* The teacher said that mathematics is not difficult.
   O professor disse que matemática não é difícil.
d) Quando o verbo na forma imperativa, em reported speech, ele fica na forma infinitiva (to say, to tell etc)
Ex.: "Can you file these documents for me, Susan?", Jim asked.
Jim asked Susan to file those documents for her.
Jim pediu a Susan que arquivasse aqueles documents para ela.
e) Os verbos mais utilizados na introdução de um reported speech são (seguidos de that)
* add /áda/ - acrescentar
* admit /adméti/ - admitir
* agree /agrêi/ - concordar, aceitar
* announce /anâunci/ - anunciar
* argue /aguiu - discutir
* believe /bô-lívi/ - acreditar
* complain /kamplêina/ - reclamar
* confirm /kanfórma/ - confirmar
* consider /kansirér/ - considerar
* decide /dê-sáide/ - decidir
* doubt /dáuti/ - duvidar
* expect /ákis -pékti/ - esperar
* explain /ékis-plêina/ - explicar
* mean /mínna/ - significar ; média; malvado
* mention /menshânna/ - mencionar
* predict /pré-dékti/ - predizer
* remark /rrê -márka/ - comentar, observar, comentário, observação
* replay /rri-plêi/ - responder
* say /sêi/ - dizer
* suggest /sudjêsti/ - sugerir
* tell /tchéla/ - contar
5 - Exercise
1.Re-write the sentences in reported speech. (Reescreva as frases em discurso direto.)
a) Mr Steven, "You should work harder.
b) "I will help you whenever necessary", Mike informed Cynthia.
c) Julian said, "Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia."
d) Yvonne said, "Ms Green is not in her office."
e) Liz told Jessica, "I won't be here tomorrow morning."
f) He asked her, "What are you doing tonight?"
g) Maria said, "I have never been to Saudi Arabia."
h) Peter announced, "Camile has had a baby."
i) Janice mentioned, "The postman did not come last week."

2.Complete the sentences with said or told (Complete as frases com said e told)
a) Mike ____________ me that he could not come the following day.
b) Joshua __________ that Janice was too fussy.
c) He _________ that he would help her.
d) The students _____________ the principal that the school's court was not good.
e) Jack _____________ us about the problems in the company.
f) The doctor ______________ that I should drink more water.

3.Change the quoted speech to reported speech. (Mude o discurso direto para discurso indireto)
a) "Can you close the door for me, Patrick?" Mary asked.
b) "Do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything." Samuel said to Mr. Winter.
c) The teacher said to the students. "Study hard if you want to have good grades."
d) "Let's have some coffee, Ingrid" suggested Dan.
e) The mother said. "Don't go out without an umbrella my daughter."
f) The lawyer asked the witness. "Try to explain what hapened."
g) "Don't walk so fast. Anthony," asked Teresa.


terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Speak English - The weather: lesson 53

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Beach /bítchi/ - praia
* Bored /bórr-da/ - desanimado
* Cold /kóuldi/ - frio
* Enough /enófi/ - suficiente, o bastante
* Enthusiastic /an-tuziastéka/ - entusiasmado, animado
* Fog /fóga/ - neblina
* In spite of /ênna-ispaitáva/ - apesar de
* Perhaps /pe-réepis/- talvez
* Rain /rrêina/ - chuva
* Raw /rró/ - tempo úmido e frio
* Sunny /sânni/ - ensolarado
* Upset /ápi-séti/ - nervoso/a, descontente
* Waitress /uéitress/ - garçonete (waiter /uéirar/: garçom)
* Warm /uórma/ - morno, quente
* Weather /uédher/ - tempo
* Winter /uíntcher/ - inverno
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* Day in day out /dêi-innidêi-áuti/
   Entra dia, sai dia; dia após dia
* For instance /for-instênci/
   Por exemplo.
* Here comes you /ria-kâmmis-iú/
   Lá vem você.
* The rain has set in for the day /dhê-rrêini-rés-serin-for-dhê-dêi/
   A chuva chegou para ficar (o dia inteiro)
* I go to get down to business /aigou-tchu-guéti-daun-tchu-bizines/
   Vou voltar ao trabalho, vou começar a trabalhar.
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Escape /eskêipa/ - escapar
* Go on /gou-ânna/ - continuar
* Go out /gou-áuti/ - sair
* I have to go out - Eu tenho que sair
* Set in /seriênna/ - fixar(-se), começar e parecer que não mudará logo (para o tempo)
* Sunbathe /san-bêifa/ - tomar banho de sol
4 - Exercise
1.Complete the blankets with the verb in the correct form. (Complete as lacunas com o verbo na forma correta.)

a) If I save money. I ________________ to Ibiza. (go)
b) If I hadn't have overslept, I ___________________ in time. (arrive)
c) If you don't heve time to finish the work today, you ________________ it tomorrow. (finish)
d) If the weather were warmer in London, Steve _______________ more enthusiastic. (be)
e) If Yvonne has some time today, I _______________ her how write a good letter. (teach)
f) If you had told me that Ms Green was a moody person, _______________ more careful when I spoke to her. ( be)
g) If I have, I ___________ to organize my files. (try)
h) I would have answered the phone if I ________________ in my office. (b)

2. Now complete the blankets for the verbs in the conditional sentence. (Agora complete as lacunas para os verbos da frase condicional.)

a) If I _________________ in a cold place, I would be very elegant in winter clothes. (live)
b) If you ____________________ harder, you would have finished college by now. (study)
c) If Christine __________________ how to write a letter, she would help Yvonne to do it. (know)
d) If I ____________________ enough time, I would study business English. (have)
e) If I _________________ enough time, I will study business English. (have)
f) Dan and Bridget would be together now, I he _____________ a bad temper. (not have)
g) If he _____________________ so busy, he would help her with the filing. (not be)
h) If I ___________________ about the meeting, I would have been present. (know)

3.Write sentences using conditional, according to the situations given. (Escreva frases usando condicional, de acordo com as situações dadas.)
Ex.: I work hard. I will have a raise (in my wage)
If work hard, I will have a raise.

a) I missed the train. I woke up late.
b) I would like to live in Salvador to go the beach every day.
c) I want to save money to afford the college's fees.
d) People must save water and energy to hava them in the future.
e) Sabrina wants to study medicine to save human beings.
