01.Bom "pra" cachorro Really good
02.Cale a boca Shut up
03.Colocar a boca para fora To boast
04.Dá um tempo Give me a break
05.É brincadeira Just joking
06.Está brincando You're joking
07.Está maluca?! Are you out of your mind?!
08.Fala sério? Straight up?
09.Fica fria Keep cool
10.Não brinca! Don't mess around with me!
11.Não enche! Don't be annoying!
12.O quê que é isso? What the hell was that?
13.Papo furado It's bullshit
14.Preço de banana For peanuts
15.Puxa, que coisa! Goodness me!
16.Qual é? What's the matter?
17.Que audácia! What a cheek!
18.Que bosta! What a shit!
19.Que chata! How annoying!
20.Que deu nele? What's his problem?
21.Que houve? What happened/What's up?
22.Que maluco! That's crazy!
23.Que moleza! It's a sinch.
24.Que palhaçada! How ridiculous!
25.Que papo é esse? What's all this rubbish?
26.Que pena! What a pity!
27.Que sapeca She's full of beans.
28.Que você tem? What's up with you?
29.Se liga, mané! Wise up, you jerk!
30.Show de bola! Amazing!
31.Simplesmente adorei! I just loved it!
32.Sujou! That's blown it/done it/messed things up.
33.Tá legal. Alright.
34.Tirar sarro de alguém. To make fun of someone; to make the mickey.
35.Uma bela dupla. A fine pair/a good team.
36.Valeu! Thanks!
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