sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012

Speak English - Bank holiday: lesson 47

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Bank holiday /bênki-rolidêi/ - fim de semana prolongado
* Countryside /kâuntri-sáida/ - campo
* Crowd /kráuda/ - multidão
* Inundation /inundêi-shann/ - inundação
* May day /mêi-déi/ - feriado na Grã-Bretanha (comemorado na segunda-feira no mês de maio)
* Refuge /uafíldi/ - refúgio
* Safe /sêifa/ - salvo
* Sick /séki/ - enjoado, cansado, doente
* Throughout /truáuti/ - durante, inteiro (prep.)
* Traffic jam /tchafék-djâmma/ - congestionamento
* Whether /uédher/ - se
2 - Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* At all /etóu-l/ - De modo algum, absolutamente
* Fancy that! /fênci-dhéti/ - Imagine isso! (interjeição de surpresa)
* Jam of people /jdâm-móvi-pípou/ - Multidões, muitas pessoas
* Quite a lot /kuáita-lóti/ - Bastante, um número considerável
* He is out of the wood /ri-is-áuti-óvi-dhê-uéda/ - Ele está fora de perigo (Literalmente:Ele está fora da madeira)
* What do you have in mind? /ênni-máindi/ - O que você tem em mente, o que pretende fazer?
* Time goes by so fast /sôu-fésti/- O tempo passa tão depressa
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Fancy /fencí/ - desejar, querer
* Forgotten / figó-tchênna/ - esqueceu (passado e particípio de forget /foguéti/ - esquecer)
* Go away /gôu-uéu/ -viajar, sair, ir embora
* Receive /rrêcivi/ - receber
* Sound /sâunda/ - soar, parecer
* Go by /gôu-bái/ - passar
* Wonder /uânder/ - imaginar, perguntar a si mesmo/a
* Head /réeda/ - dirigir-se a, pôr-se em determinada direção
4 - Grammar - Gramática
a) Many (muito) e few (pouco) - são usados com substantivos contáveis:
* There are many people at the theatre - Há muita gente no teatro
* Few cars are new in my city - Poucos carros são novos na minha cidade.
b) Much (muito) e little (pouco) - são usados com substantivos incontáveis:
* The boys have too much energy - Os garotos têm muita energia.
c) Many e much - são usados em frases negativas e interrogativas:
* How many bottles of wine do we have? - Quantas garrafas de vinho nós temos?
* Hurry up, we don't have much time. - Apresse-se, não temos muito tempo.
d) A lot of, too much ou so much - usa-se em frases negativas:
* Don't worry, there is a lot of time before the trains leaves.
   Não se preocupe, há muito tempo antes do trem partir.
* You smoke too much.
   Você fuma muito.
e) Little e few sem o artigo "a" - usados em frases com ideias negativas:
* I have little money, I can't lend you any.
   Tenho pouco dinheiro, não posso emprestar-lhe nenhum.
* He has few friends at school
   Ele tem poucos amigos na escola.
   Obs.: A little e a few - usados em frases com ideias positivas:
* I would love to spend a little more time eith you.
   Eu adoraria passar um pouco mais de tempo com você.
* She has a few friends who are very dear.
   Ela tem alguns amigos que são muito queridos.
f) A few e a little usado com only - transmitem ideias negativas:
* We have only a little more time.
   Temos apenas um pouco mais de tempo.
* She has only a few friendes.
   Ela tem apenas alguns amigos.
5 - Exercise
1.Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of. (Complete as frases com much, many ou a lot of)
a) Philip drinks too _______________ wine.
b) Don't worry about the prices, we have ______________ money.
c) How ______________ time do you have?
d) _______________ shops are closed in the evening.
e) How _______________ glasses of milk did you drink?
f) We won't spend ______________ days in Paris.
g) I won't drinks this coffee. There is too _______________ sugar in it.
h) ______________ friends were present at his party.
i) Don't talk to him. He has ______________ work to do.
j) Not _______________ people are interested in your product.
k) There isn't _____________ to do in the city on holidays.
l) If you don't put _____________ rice on this sushi, it will taste better.

2.Complete the sentences below, using few, a few, little or a little. (Complete as frases usando few, a few, little ou a little)
a) Only _________________ rooms were available for the quests.
b) There is ___________ food and _____________ blankets for the homeless people.
c) We have problems in the Northeast because there is ____________ rain there.
d) When did you see Samantha? _____________ days ago.
e) With _________________ luck you will win the prize.
f) Please wait ____________ minutes and I will solve the problem for you.
g) If you have ________________ patience with the traffic jam, you will be able to go the mountains.
h) Everywhere is crowded on holidays ____________ places are really good to go on these occasions.
i) He doesn't speak much Portuguese. Only _______________ words.
j) I need ______________ time to think about your invitation to go the mountains.


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