sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012

Speak English - Learning about Shakespeare: lesson 46

1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Ado /adjêu-a/ - barulho, confusão
* Amazing /amêizenha/ - surpreendente
* Blood /bláda/ - sangue
* Character /kérecter/ - personagem
* Comedy /kommerí/ - comédia
* Crazy /kreizí/ - louco/a
* Finally /failêi/ - finalmente
* King /kênnha/ - rei
* Masterpiece /máster-píssi/ - obra-prima
* Play /plêi/ - peça teatral
* Several /sevrôu/ - muitos, vários
* Stage /istêidji/ - palco
* Timeless /tcháimi-léssa/ - atemporal
* Tragedy /tcha-dêri/ - tragédia
* Wife /uáif/ - esposa
* Witch /uêtchi/ - bruxa, (witches: bruxas)
* Wonderful /uanderfól/ - maravilhoso/a
* Work /uérrik/ - obra, trabalho
* Amazing /amêizenha/ - surpreendente
2 - Useful expresions - Expressões úteis
* Much ado about nothing - Muito barulho por nada.
* No matter how... /nôu-marerau/ - Não importa quanto/quão
* What is it about? /uóra-izirabáuti - Do que se trata?
* What are you reading? - O que você está lendo?
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Be driven crazy /bi-drêivin-kréizi/ - enlouquecer
* Become /bi-kâmma/ - tornar-se
* Encourage /ênni-korrédji/ - encorajar
* Kill /kéla/ - matar
* Read /rrída/ - ler
* Replace /rriplêissi/ - substituir
* Told /tchólda/ - (passado simples e particípio de tell /tchéla/ = dizer)
* Used to /iúzi-ta/ - costumava
* Write /uráiti/ - escrever
* Teach /tíitchi/ - ensinar
4 - Grammar - Gramática
a) Used to - seguido por um verbo na forma infinitiva
* I used to read Shakespeare's books.
   Eu costumava ler os livros de Shakespeare.
* I used to live in the countryside.
   Eu vivia no interior.
* I didn't use to go out until I met Sue.
   Eu não costumava sair até conhecer Sue.
b) To be used to - significa estar acostumado com algo. Usa-se no presente, passado e futuro
* I am used to reading newspapers.
   Estou acostumado a ler jornais.
* I will be used to getting up early.
   Vou me acostumar a levantar-me cedo.
* I was used to working hard.
   Eu estava acostumado a trabalhar muito.
c) Get used to - expressa algo com o qual nos acostumamos.
* I got used to reading Shakespeare's books at school.
   Acostumei-me a ler os livros de Shakespeare na escola.
* I am getting used eating more vegetables than meat.
   Estou me acostumando a comes mais legumes do que carne.
d) Get é usado para dar ideia de mudança, de tornar-se, de ficar, e seguido de adjetivo.
* I am getting hungry.
   Estou ficando com fome.
* I stopped running becouse I was getting tired.
   Parei de correr porque estava ficando cansado.
5 - Exercise
1.Write sentences with used to. (Escreva frases com used to)
* I / study hard / be at college
  I used to study hard when I was good college.
a) Rob /smoke a lot / have good health.
b) Jack and Alison / go out every / be daling
c) Mr. Smith / not spend money night / be daling
d) He / have a motorcycle / be younger
e) I / eat a lot of sweets / be a child

2.Complete the sentences with correct form of be used to / get used to + verb. (Complete as frases com a forma correta de used to / get used to + verbo.)
* Peter is used to driving trucks. (drive)
a) I _______________ by myself. (get / live)
b) at first Luisa _______________ salad (not / eat), but after being ill she ____________ (get).
c) My grandmother _______________ after lunch. (sleep).
d) I still don't drive very confidently but I ________________ (get).
e) I wasn't ___ ________________ Manaus' hot weather, but now I _____________ (get).
f) My family ____________ in small houses. (not / live).

3.Fill out the gaps with the verb in the correct form. (Preencha as lacunas com o verbo na forma correta)
Ex.: Mary has to get used driving more carefully. (drive)
a) When I was a child, I used to ______________ soccer with my neighbours. (play)
b) Samantha was born in the countryside. Now she is getting used to ______________ in a big city. (live)
c) He used to _______________ a lot of coffee, but now he doesn't drink anymore. (drink)
d) Ms. Smith used to _______________ in the park every morning when she had good health. (walk)
e) You will have to get used to _______________ money if you want to buy a car. (save)
f) There used to ____________ a pharmacy on this street, but it was shut down. (be)

4.Make sentences with get + adjective. Choose the adjective from the above list. (Faça orações com get + adjective. Escolha o adjetivo na lista acima)
Adjectives: fat -nervous - sick - full - hot
Ex.: Why we don't go on walking?
Oh, no, I'm getting tired.
a) This dress doesn't fit you anymore!
b) Don't start the exam now.
c) You look so pale!
d) Why about ordering another pizza?
No, thanks ____________________________________________
e) Let's take off our coats.


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