segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Speak English - A Phone Call: lesson 2

 1 - Vocabulary - vocabulário
* Answerphone /énsor-fôuni/ - secretária eletrônica
* Answermachine /énsor-môshinn/ - secretária eletrônica
* Around /aráund/ - por volta das, ao redor de, em volta
* Busy /bi-zi/ - ocupado, atarefado
* Bye /bái/ - tchau
* Collect call /kolét-ti kól/ - chamada a cobrar
* Dear /di-êr/ - querido, amado
* Fax /fá-ksi/ - fax
* Hello /rê-lou/ - olá
* Hi /rai/ - oi
* House /ráu-zi/ - casa
* Mobile phone /môubil-fôunni/ - telefone celular
* My / mai/ - meu, minha, meus, minhas
* Party /pá-ri/ - festa
* Phone box /fôuni- bóksi/ - cabina telefônica
* Reverse charge call /rivôusi-tshárdj-kól/ - ligação a cobrar
* Speaker phone /ispikôr-fôunni/ - viva voz
* Telephone /té-lefôunni/ - telefone
* Then /dhénn/ - então, em seguida
* This /dhis/ - este, esta, isto
* Tonight /tu-náit/ - esta noite
* With me /uífi-mi/ - comigo
* Wonderful /uôn-derful/ - maravilhoso, magnífico
* Yes /iés/ - sim
2 - Verbs - verbos
* There is, there are /déris, derá/ - há
* To look for /tu-luk-fór/ - procurar
* To like /tu-láiki/ - gostar de
* To love /tu-lóvi/ - amar
* To pick up /tu-pikáp/ - pegar, apanhar, colher
* To see /tu-sii/ - ver
* To think /tu-fínki/ - pensar
3 - Jobs / occupations - Trabalhos / ocupações
* Teacher /ti-tchar/ - professor
* Doctor /dók-tôr/ - doutor, médico
* Engineer /endjinir/ - engenheiro
* Dentist /dén-tist/ - dentista
* Cook /kuk/ - cozinheiro
Farmer /far-môu/ - fazendeiro, lavrador
* Artist /ár-tist/ - artista
* Actor /ék-tôr/ - ator
* Actress /ék-tress/ - atriz
* Flight attendant /fláit-aténdant/ - comissário de bordo
* Football player / fútibol-plêiôr/ - fogador de futebol
* Soccer player (Am.) /sócker-plêiôr/ - jogador de futebol
* Volleyball player /voléi-bol-plêiôr/ - jogador de voleibol
* Basket player /báskit-plêiôr/ - jogador de basquete
* Athlete / ethi-lit/ - atleta
* Beaitician /bôu-shânn/ - esteticista
* Businessman /biznéss-men/ - executivo, homem de negócios
* Taxi Driver /téksi-dráiv/ - motorista de táxi
* Factory worker /fék-tori-uôrkar/ - operário de indústria
* Housewefi /ráussi-uáifi/ - dona de casa
Architect /arkitékit/ - arquiteto
* Singer /sinnôu/ - cantor/a
* Violinist /váiolio-nist/ - violinista
* Car racer /kar-rêisor/ - corredor de carro
* Writer /rai-tor/ - escritor, escrivãopescador
* Politician /pólisnânn/ - político
* Fisherman /fishôr-men/ - pescador
* Bank Clerk /bênk-klârk/ - bancário
* Lorry (truck) driver /lóri-trôuk-dráivôr/ - motorista de caminhão
4 - Useful expressions - expressões úteis
* My name is (my name's) Joseph
* How are you, Joe? (informal)
* My name is Joseph Smith.
* How do you do, Mr. Smith? (formal)
* I am Kim.
* Nice to meet you.
* Pleazed to meet you.
* I'm very well, thank you.
* I'm fine, thanks. (informal)
5 - Personal      Possssive     Object
     Pronouns      Adjectives   Pronouns

I                     My               Me
You                Your            You
* He                  His               Him
* She                 Her              Her
* It                     Its                It
* We                 Our               Us
* You                Your            You
They               Their           Them
1.Answer the following questions. (responda às seguintes questões)
a) Are you English?
b) Is he a doctor?
c) Is there a park here?
d) What's your name?
e) Are they American?

2.Complete with the right form of the possessives pronouns. (Complete com a forma correta dos pronomes possessivos.
a) This is ______ car.
b) Is this _________house, John?
c) My cousin and _____ fiancée are very nice people.
d) We are in ________ new apartment in dowtown.
e) They ara late to ______ meeting with _____ boss.

3.Complete the sentences with the right form of the objetive pronouns.
a) I don't see (she) _____ for a long time.
b) I buy this book and I give (it) _____ tomy friend.
c) Did you talk to (they) _____ about your new project?
d) He told (I) _____ the truth.
e) In your birthday, I'm gonna give _____ a new pais leather gloves.


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