1 - Vocabulary - Vocabulário
* Bloody /blôudi/ - terrivelmente, fortemente
* Brand new /brénd-niu/ - novo em folha
* Colour (EUA: color) /kôulor/ - cor
* Comforting /kamfórtinn/ - confortante
* Crime /kráimm/ - crime, transgressão
* Cute /kíut/ - simpático, atraente, engraçadinho
* Desert /dizârt/ - deserto
* Deserted area /dizârtedi-êiriou/ - área deserta
* Design /dizáinn/ - desenho, modelo
* Dead /dáda/ - morto
* Dad /deáda/ - pai
* Dead dad /dedeáda/ - pai morto
* Dizzy /dezir/ - atordoado/a
* Door /dór/ - porta
* Full /ful/ - cheio/a
* Hint /rênt/ - dica
* History /hístori/ - história, passado
* Ignition key /igníshann-ki/ - chave de contato
* Insurance salesman /entchurennss-sêilis-men/ - vendedor de seguro
* Insurance /entchurenss/ - seguro
* Kind /káinnd/ - tipo
* Obvious /obvíouss/ - óbvio
* Theft /théfit/ - roubo
* Valuable /veliabou/ - objeto de valor
* Window /uíndou/ - janela
* Wink /uênk/ - cochilo
2- Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* From now on /from-não-anna/ - Daqui por diante
* I didn't sleep a wink - Não preguei os olhos
* it's history - Isso é coisa do passado
* My word! /uôrd/ - Nossa! (exclamação de surpresa)
* Not to sleep a wink (I didn't sleep a wink) - Não pregar os olhos (Eu não preguei os olhos)
* Take good care of it /têik-gud-kêr-ovéti/ - Cuide bem disso.
* I'm dead tired /de-thaiáda/ - Estou exausto, morto de canssaço
* Lock the door, please! - Tranque a porta, por favor!
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Check /tshéki/ - verificar
* Close /klôuz/ - fechar
* Count /kéunti/ - contar (Count on /kéunti-ónna/ - contar com)
* Get /guéti/ - obter
* Get in /gueriánna/ - entrar
* Leave /lívi/ - deixar, abandonar
* Live /láiva/ - viver, morar
* Lock /lóka/ - trancar
* Park /párkha/ - estacionar
* Recommend /rrekoménda/ - recomendar
* Remember /remémbar/ - lembrar-se
* Remove /remúuvi/ -remover
* Sat /sêit/ - sentar-se/sentou-se (passado de sit)
* Sit /séti/ - sentar-se
* Snore /isnóra/ - roncar
* Snored /isnóreda/ - roncar/roncou
4 - Exercise
1.Write sentences giving instructiens and advices according the following situations. Choose the from the list. [ park - check - get - drive - leave - wear - carry - keep ]
(Escreva frases dando instruções e recomendações, de acordo com as seguintes situações. use os verbos da lista.]
a) an insurance.
b) documents in the car
c) in parking lots
d) a large amount of money with you.
e) if the windows are closed
f) expensive jewellery or watches when you go out
g) without the frive licence
h) the car in good conditions
i) valuables in the glove comportment.
i) in a busy area
2.Fill in the gaps with always, never, don't forget to, make sure. (Preencha as lacunas com always, never, don't forget to, make sure)
a) ___________________________ take good care of personal documents.
b) ___________________________ carry your money in a safe place.
c) ___________________________ swim after lunch and _________ lye in the sun too long.
d) ___________________________ check if the doors are closed before going to bed.
e) ___________________________ respect speed limits when you are driving.
f) ___________________________ walk alone late at night.
3.Give advices using should or shouldn't. (Dê recomendações usando should ou shouldn't)
a) drink alcohilic beverage before driving.
b) carry the documents of the car.
c) eat fruits every day.
d) sleep less than 8 hours a day.
* Bloody /blôudi/ - terrivelmente, fortemente
* Brand new /brénd-niu/ - novo em folha
* Colour (EUA: color) /kôulor/ - cor
* Comforting /kamfórtinn/ - confortante
* Crime /kráimm/ - crime, transgressão
* Cute /kíut/ - simpático, atraente, engraçadinho
* Desert /dizârt/ - deserto
* Deserted area /dizârtedi-êiriou/ - área deserta
* Design /dizáinn/ - desenho, modelo
* Dead /dáda/ - morto
* Dad /deáda/ - pai
* Dead dad /dedeáda/ - pai morto
* Dizzy /dezir/ - atordoado/a
* Door /dór/ - porta
* Full /ful/ - cheio/a
* Hint /rênt/ - dica
* History /hístori/ - história, passado
* Ignition key /igníshann-ki/ - chave de contato
* Insurance salesman /entchurennss-sêilis-men/ - vendedor de seguro
* Insurance /entchurenss/ - seguro
* Kind /káinnd/ - tipo
* Obvious /obvíouss/ - óbvio
* Theft /théfit/ - roubo
* Valuable /veliabou/ - objeto de valor
* Window /uíndou/ - janela
* Wink /uênk/ - cochilo
2- Useful expressions - Expressões úteis
* From now on /from-não-anna/ - Daqui por diante
* I didn't sleep a wink - Não preguei os olhos
* it's history - Isso é coisa do passado
* My word! /uôrd/ - Nossa! (exclamação de surpresa)
* Not to sleep a wink (I didn't sleep a wink) - Não pregar os olhos (Eu não preguei os olhos)
* Take good care of it /têik-gud-kêr-ovéti/ - Cuide bem disso.
* I'm dead tired /de-thaiáda/ - Estou exausto, morto de canssaço
* Lock the door, please! - Tranque a porta, por favor!
3 - Verbs - Verbos
* Check /tshéki/ - verificar
* Close /klôuz/ - fechar
* Count /kéunti/ - contar (Count on /kéunti-ónna/ - contar com)
* Get /guéti/ - obter
* Get in /gueriánna/ - entrar
* Leave /lívi/ - deixar, abandonar
* Live /láiva/ - viver, morar
* Lock /lóka/ - trancar
* Park /párkha/ - estacionar
* Recommend /rrekoménda/ - recomendar
* Remember /remémbar/ - lembrar-se
* Remove /remúuvi/ -remover
* Sat /sêit/ - sentar-se/sentou-se (passado de sit)
* Sit /séti/ - sentar-se
* Snore /isnóra/ - roncar
* Snored /isnóreda/ - roncar/roncou
4 - Exercise
1.Write sentences giving instructiens and advices according the following situations. Choose the from the list. [ park - check - get - drive - leave - wear - carry - keep ]
(Escreva frases dando instruções e recomendações, de acordo com as seguintes situações. use os verbos da lista.]
a) an insurance.
b) documents in the car
c) in parking lots
d) a large amount of money with you.
e) if the windows are closed
f) expensive jewellery or watches when you go out
g) without the frive licence
h) the car in good conditions
i) valuables in the glove comportment.
i) in a busy area
2.Fill in the gaps with always, never, don't forget to, make sure. (Preencha as lacunas com always, never, don't forget to, make sure)
a) ___________________________ take good care of personal documents.
b) ___________________________ carry your money in a safe place.
c) ___________________________ swim after lunch and _________ lye in the sun too long.
d) ___________________________ check if the doors are closed before going to bed.
e) ___________________________ respect speed limits when you are driving.
f) ___________________________ walk alone late at night.
3.Give advices using should or shouldn't. (Dê recomendações usando should ou shouldn't)
a) drink alcohilic beverage before driving.
b) carry the documents of the car.
c) eat fruits every day.
d) sleep less than 8 hours a day.